Great attendance at TCMC Second Train Winona Virtual Town Forum
On Tuesday, March 23, more than 65 attendees took part in the virtual town forum “TCMC Second Train - What’s in it for Winona” co-hosted by the Great River Rail Commission and the Winona Area Chamber of Commerce.

Participants heard from local elected officials, Great River Rail Commission members and staff, passenger rail advocates, and MnDOT representatives about the TCMC Second Train and its benefits for Winona and its surrounding area. Community members were able to submit questions before and during the event and participated in two short polls about passenger rail and the TCMC Second Train project.
Attendees included legislators, business representatives, university leadership, Winona tourism officials, and more. Questions touched on a variety of issues and there was a clear passion for more passenger rail in the area.
The video of the forum is available below.